Age of Innocence Launches Mobile App in the UK: a Strategic E-commerce Move

In a strategic move, the European footwear brand Age of Innocence launched its mobile application in the UK in November 2023, using the IMSHOP.AI platform. Prior to this, the application had successfully penetrated the Eastern European market from its development centre in London, contributing a substantial 15-20% to the company's total revenue.
Age of Innocence, renowned for its European origin, operates offline stores across Europe, Asia, and USA. Additionally, the brand also maintains a robust online presence, with its e-commerce centre situated in the heart of London, facilitating daily shipments to customers worldwide.
Global Brand Presence
Having a global product delivery scope, Age of Innocence manages two dedicated websites: one serving Eastern Europe and the other catering to an international audience. The strategic plan involved launching two separate mobile applications. After a prosperous launch in Eastern Europe, the brand shifted focus to tailor the application for the Western audience, aiming to boost sales volume, strengthen the brand's market positioning and increase the market share as a major goal.
Pre-launch Objectives
The primary objectives of the mobile application were twofold: to boost sales and enhance the brand's market position. Recognizing the shorter user engagement path within mobile apps compared to mobile websites, the decision to launch in the UK was driven by the brand's commitment to providing a seamless and convenient online shopping experience. Additionally, the brand viewed the presence of a dedicated app as a testament to its advanced development status.
This strategic initiative reflects Age of Innocence's commitment to staying at the forefront of e-commerce trends and catering to the evolving preferences of its customer base. The successful selection of IMSHOP.AI as the platform provider and the subsequent seamless integration of essential functions underline the brand's dedication to leveraging cutting-edge technology to optimize customer experience.
As the brand continues to explore opportunities for global expansion, the strategic deployment of the mobile app in the UK serves as a pivotal step in Age of Innocence's commitment to delivering an unparalleled shopping experience and solidifying its position as a leader in the children's footwear market.

Mobile App Objectives
“We decided to launch the application in England for two reasons. Firstly, experience indicates that the user journey within the application is significantly shorter than on the mobile version of the website. Given the frequent return rate of our customers, it was crucial for us to establish comfortable conditions for online shopping. Secondly, we believe that the presence of an application signifies the brand's level of development”
Ecommerce Director at
Age of Innocence
The team chose a cloud-based solution, as this deployment method proves more advantageous in terms of time and budget compared to studio development. During the launch phase, the IMSHOP.AI and Age of Innocence teams transferred crucial functionalities into the application essential for completing purchases: integration the product catalog from the website, implementing the payment system, incorporating the shopping cart, product cards, loyalty system, and delivery methods. In addition, we have implemented a feature that enables the system to automatically locate the required address based on the postal code during the checkout process.
Solution Selection and Launch
“We appreciated that the IMSHOP.AI solution is customizable to our needs. It spared us from hiring a team of programmers, allocating resources for their maintenance within the company, and the uncertainty of its success”
Head of Marketing Department at Age of Innocence
As the products of the brand's online store are hosted on the Shopify platform, we decided to implement a direct integration with this system. It operates as a plugin and, upon connection, automatically pulls in all the required information. This has significantly enhanced the application's operational speed.
“Age of Innocence stores product information on the Shopify platform. This is the first client for which we've developed a direct integration with this system. With the direct connection to Shopify now established, we anticipate significantly faster launches of applications for brands which online stores operate on this platform”
Senior Project Manager at IMSHOP.AI
The application was released on the App Store in November 2023. During the first month of operation, the team focused on application testing. To attract a loyal audience, a smart banner was placed on the website. Additionally, the IMSHOP.AI and Age of Innocence teams plan to engage the audience from the application, targeting Eastern Europe, initiate email campaigns, and incorporate advertising on Google Ads and Facebook. The brand's team is not concerned about traffic cannibalization, as they have proved data that additional sales channels have a positive impact on total brand’s revenue. Providing users with multiple interaction opportunities across different platforms enhances communication comfort, ultimately increasing customer retention.
App Promotion
“Drawing on the experience of our application in Eastern Europe, we have concluded that organic tools yield better results. While initiating social media advertising did not generate a significant number of new installations, email campaigns and promotions proved to be effective”
Head of Marketing Department at Age of Innocence
In addition, the company's employees are beginning to study the requests and needs of the British audience to develop unique content for the application. The team also aims to launch the application globally. Currently, this idea is in the development stage, and the brand has two development scenarios: either launch a separate application for other countries or integrate a feature into the application to switch to another country. This will allow customers to choose their geolocation and view the brand's assortment available in their country and city.
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