Consumer electronics Market
Our powerful features ensure a smooth shopping experience

Our product managers handpick the most effective features for your niche

accessories upsell Pop-up
Boost revenue and improve customer engagement
Encourage customers to spend more by offering them attractive additional products
BE cost-effective
Promote additional offerings without incurring significant advertising expenses
Introduce customers to related products or services that they may not have considered
BAck-in-stock notifications
Ensure that interested customers are promptly informed about product availability
Avoid missed sales
Let your customers see how products look on real people
improve user Retention
Give users a reason to stay connected with the business, even when the desired product is temporarily unavailable
Increase SALES
By keeping customers informed, businesses have the opportunity to convert their interest into purchases once the product is back in stock
Price change notifications
Keep your customers informed about price changes on their favorite products
When customers receive notifications about price changes, they can revisit the app and potentially make a purchase
Convert interest into sales
Collect Insights
Understand customer price sensitivity and adjust prices accordingly to optimize sales and revenue
Enhance user Engagement
Keep customers engaged and interested in their chosen products for longer periods
Service Centers Locator
Strengthen the relationship with customers when they seek assistance or repairs
foster Trust & loyalty
Eliminate the need to search for service centers separately
Increase Satisfaction
Demonstrate commitment to resolving any issues or concerns your customers may have
Increase revenue
Showcase additional products or services that complement the customer's needs and use upselling
PRoduct comparison tool
Allow users to quickly evaluate different products and make informed decisions
By comparing products, customers can find the best option that meets their needs, resulting in higher conversion rates
Boost sales & conversions
Drive organic traffic and benefit from customers searching for specific products for comparison

ShOW values
Demonstrates that the company is focused on helping customers make the best choices and highlights the best features of each item
location-based alerts
Prompt your customers to make an immediate purchase and entice them with offline offers
IMprove conversions
Unlock the power of proximity notifications to drive foot traffic
Attract more customers to visit your physical location
Tailor offers based on location and increase the relevance and effectiveness of your marketing campaigns

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