Discover What Our Clients Have to Say About Our Mobile App Solutions
Our Client's Reviews
  • Helen
    Head of eCommece, KANT
    I think we've discovered a new audience and brought in some new customers, thanks to the app. It was surprising to find out that people were simply searching for "Kant" online, so it's clear that they really need this app.
  • Marina
    Marketing Director, AllTime
    Two weeks after its launch, our app made a significant impact! Just a week later, it had climbed into the top 200 shopping apps on the AppStore.
    When teams are passionate about their work and share a mutual dedication, it leads to swift progress. In contrast, if employees hired from other companies lack interest in the product, they tend to operate merely on a task-by-task basis. This often leads to prolonged integration with such firms.
    At IMSHOP.AI, it's a different story. Everyone here is driven by a strong desire for results. Thanks to prompt feedback, we achieved this success
  • Andrew
    Head of E-Commerce in re:Store, App for e-comm & retail
    The pilot project of the re:Store mobile application was launched on time and showed an economic effect, in connection with which a decision was made on the further development of the product.
    IMSHOP.AI employees provide quality support and advice when it's needed.

    The IMSHOP.AI product was a perfect fit for addressing this challenge: the project was launched quickly and within a reasonable budget.
    Within just one month, we had over 30,000 installations, and within three months, we generated revenue that more than covered our launch investments.

    We compiled statistics for the year and realized that 84% of customers had not placed online orders in the last 2 years.

  • Marina
    Ex. Head of eCommece, VASSA&Co
    VASSA&Co had only a website until recently. Even though more people were visiting the site on their mobiles, not many were making purchases. To boost our online sales and compete with other stores, we decided to create a mobile app.
    We got to work and launched a basic version of the app within a month and a half. The app soon became a vital part of our marketing efforts, and it brought the following results for our brand:
    • We saw a significant 13% increase in sales through the mobile app.
    • A remarkable 63% of our customers came back to buy more using the app, whereas on the website, it was 58%.
    • Plus, the app had an average order value that was 10% higher compared to the website
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