Why do I Need an App if my Mobile Website is Good?

Let's compare mobile apps and mobile websites, understand why apps have conversion rates 3-5 times higher, and learn how retail brands can easily convert their stores into native apps.

Why do I Need an App if my Mobile Website is Good?

Let's compare mobile apps and mobile websites, understand why apps have conversion rates 3–5 times higher, and learn how retail brands can easily convert their stores into native apps.

They say stability is key, and in e-commerce, two things are consistent: rising acquisition costs and a pursuit for a top-notch customer experiences.

Brands are turning to mobile apps to combat these challenges. Apps often boost conversions by 3–5 times compared to mobile sites, leading to a potential 10-30% revenue surge post-launch.

If you're relying solely on a mobile-friendly website, you're only at the starting line. For a comprehensive e-com strategy and an integrated customer experience, an app is essential.

Why? Let's break it down:

User experience

Please excuse me a brief moment of storytelling here. Imagine yourself on the way to work, scrolling through Instagram. An ad catches your eye, so you tap it. Usually, it opens in an in-app browser which can be tricky — think Minesweeper tricky. One wrong move and boom – back to the beginning.

Maybe you switch to Safari. You're browsing, but a slip of a finger? Back to square one. Those sneakers you were eyeing? Vanished.

Determined, you brace yourself for a rematch, ready to find those sneakers again. But just like there's never a good time for a bad internet connection (except maybe during a dull meeting when "you suddenly lose connection"), the images won't load.

Just like that, a sale is lost.

If those things seem to you like not a big deal, look at these numbers: One in four visitors would abandon a website if it takes more than four seconds to load.
Now imagine a mobile app. Built specifically for mobile behaviour, it streamlines the experience. Chances of buying? Way higher.

Apps are faster and handle bad internet better. At IMSHOP we make sure apps we launch have fast image loads and keep your cart safe, even if the internet is playing hard to get.


Apps are way better in remembering the user and what they like.

Firstly, because they don't rely on cookies. It's also a good thing because with constantly tightening privacy restrictions it's becoming way harder to provide good online experience.
Think ITP in Safari, for example, that in some cases can delete 1st-party cookies and the user who returned the next day to the website will be treated as a new one.

Secondly, today's smartphones are loaded with features that can be integrated into your app. Use geolocation to offer location-specific deals or build a whole community around your app.

Such immersive experiences can significantly boost conversion rates.

Push Notifications

This isn't just about sending out reminders; it's about creating a marketing strategy that capitalizes on immediate and direct communication.

Studies have shown that push notifications can have up to a 40% click-through rate, far surpassing email marketing.

Whether it's a flash sale, a restocked favourite item, or tailored recommendations, push notifications ensure that your brand has a steady presence in the customer's mind.

Omnichannel and ROPO

Apps provide a seamless omnichannel experience. By bridging online browsing and offline shopping, they capitalize on the ROPO effect: Research Online, Purchase Offline. Customers get the best of both worlds: the convenience of browsing online with the tactile experience of purchasing or trying products in-store. Which inevitably leads to overall sales growth.

We at IMSHOP integrated features that make ROPO easy. Using apps we’ve launched, customers browse and reserve items to pick up or try at their closest store, for instance.

It’s efficient, it's practical, and it inevitably leads to overall sales and in-store traffic growth.

How to launch an app without breaking the bank?

Now, you might be thinking: "Sure, I'm sold on the app idea, but isn't this going to burn a hole in my pocket?”

At IMSHOP, we've redefined the game. We develop top-notch, native apps without the exorbitant price tag. Imagine launching your app in just three months.

And the cost? We've introduced a subscription model that's budget-friendly.


Schedule a demo, and in just one day, we'll show a tailored prototype of your future app.